
Connecticat, United States
We are three spoiled kitties named Trouble, Mischif & Lylah Kitty. Our mommy doesn't let us out so we stay indoors. But that's ok cause we get all the food, water & toys we could ever want. Plus there's all sorts of places to sleep & things to tear up.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Snuggle Sunday

This is me w/mommy's best friend. I soooo love to snuggle w/the furless ones. You can even tell by that BIG smile on my face. (yes mommy is late on posting this pix she's been busy working & stuff)

1 comment:

The Misadventures Of Me said...

You's were keepin your toesies warm huh?? I heards yous likes to POOT alot!? So didja??